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Press Release

Research finds that women fill only 17% of leadership positions in private sector planning consultancy

Women in Planning has found that there is little data on women working in the planning profession. Not much is known about what level women are working at and if there is a gender leadership gap. Understanding this is important to know whether there are barriers preventing women from being in leadership roles, and if so, what support women need to overcome them. Women in Planning has undertaken research with the aim to fill this evidence gap and provide information and data on women working in planning. The research surveyed 379 planning consultancies and companies with planning teams in the UK. Of the 379 companies, which had details of their planning teams, there were a total of 1,016 planners working at Director (or partner) and above (Senior Director, Senior Partner, Managing Director or Chief Executive) in the UK. Out of the 1,016 planners working in these 379 consultancy firms, the research found that overall women filled 17% of leadership positions, with men filling 83%. Broken down further, at the most senior level (Senior Director, Senior Partner, Managing Director or Chief Executive) the research found that 29% of these roles were filled by men, with only 5% filled by women. At Director level, men filled 54% of these roles and women filled 12%. “The data shows that, in planning consultancies and consultancy firms with planners in the UK, there is a lack of women working at leadership level. This may seem obvious, but it is important we have evidence to show this.  We consider this type of evidence is needed across the sector. From this baseline, Women in Planning want to provide the right support for women who want to rise to leadership level to ensure greater diversity in planning.” View the report here.

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